Saili with her buddy, Doreen, with Kauya in the background - friends from last year |
The children do not want Lex to leave |
I was so proud of Claire, our 13 year old granddaughter, because she had her own group of children for the week to minister to on her own and to share the gospel with these orphans. She is such an amazing young lady and at the end of my blog you will see other blogs - one of which is hers and she has written an amazing story of Alice. You must read it.!!!! |
This is Will, Claire and Holly watching as Will seeks to comfort some of his at risk children from his group last year. I have been praying for them all year hoping that one in particular gets into My Fathers House. His interpreter from last year, an amazing young man, actually drove to pick them up and bring them to Will to see. They were not a part of this years program. Wow, what a moment for the Gruvers!!!! Not long enough. |
Our awesome team leaders |
Will checking his iphone for information he must give us on the way to camp and at the same time listening to son, Thomas who is very excited to see his new friends |
Holly with Grace- we found her alone in her room reading the bible!! |
Holly with Mama Christine |
Singing African songs to the Lord with My Fathers House children |
Team Leader, Holly Gruver, giving updates and getting information from our team |
Team Captain, Will Gruver, pondering the magnificent God that we serve and loving these children |
Another memorable moment was just watching my children and grandchildren set such a wonderful example of Gods love to others who are not from our culture and who do not look like us. Strangers who to them were Gods special ones - my grandchildren embraced these children as if they were part of their very own family and of course, some they had gotten to know from last year and a few were their sponsored children but the children that came into camp hope were all strangers to them and yet they treated them the same way they treated others. Because I was teaching and I am sure I did not get pictures of the family like I would have if I had been a spectator but here is what I do have:(see above)
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